Tuesday 22 July 2014

Use Metro Advertising to Impress Daily Commuters in Delhi

The DMRC, rightly termed as the lifeline of Delhi / NCR, is an integral part of the transportation system of the area. Delhi cannot be imagined without the metro rail lines anymore. Thus, Delhi Metro Advertising forms a vital medium of Advertising in Delhi. With 25 lakh commuters taking the metro route every day to travel to offices, schools, colleges, and rendezvous with friends and associates, the medium presents a brilliant opportunity of soliciting consumers.

Due to a lot of reasons, using the DMRC stations as sites for your Ad Displays is a brilliant way of promoting your brand. The most important of the reasons include continuous visibility before an audience primarily comprising of office goers or the ones with buying power. For example, let us take the example of a consumer who commutes daily from one metro station to the other. Say he goes through “y” number of metro stations in the process. If your brand is put at all or maximum of those sites, the consumer will have a repeated view of the same. Make this process a twice-a-day event, if the consumer is an office-goer. This will tremendously impact the brand recall rate, thereby boosting the chances of conversion. Another important factor in Advertising is targeting the audience properly. In the modern context of advertising, targeting not only involves knowing the appropriate socioeconomic group but also the ability to determine the ones among them with the ability to buy. In this context, the office goers form an important group with the power to buy. Impressing office goers is always a step towards maximum possibility of conversion.
Being visible in Delhi is an important requirement for any brand desiring growth in India. And the best way to cover audiences in Delhi is to map the Delhi metro stations. Connect with a DMRC Advertising Agency in Delhi like TDI International India (P) Limited, to reap the benefits of the medium.

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